Welcome Friends
Hello, I’m so happy you are here! My name is Cristina and I can’t wait to meet you.
If you’ve found this website you must be interested in total mind, body, and spirit wellness. It is a life long passion of mine too. I’m always growing and learning about ways to shine a light on the healthiest and most fulfilling aspects of life. On my journey, I’ve discovered how much I love to share this passion. Not only do I love helping people start on their wellness journeys BUT I learn from you all as well.
I hope you enjoy exploring my website and my offerings. Please reach out and let me know if you’d like to begin, enrich, or deepen your wellness practices! Click below to learn a little bit more about me:
Private Yoga
Recovering from an injury or surgery, looking to start yoga for the first time, or just interested in deepening your practice? A one on one session or small group session may be just right for you.

Special Populations
Join Cristina for one of her weekly special population classes or inquire about hosting a class for special populations at your facility.
Explore Nature
There is nothing more healing than the outdoors. Though new to Florida, Cristina has spent the last 3 years discovering how to make the best of all the seasons down south. From barefoot running, bush-craft camping to surfing.

Mini Mindful Moments
Ouroboros Dictionary
Exploring meaning through movement, reading, and thought
Don't be afraid to cast them ... after all they are a product of light. A shadow which is ignored, pushed down, or allowed to cause shame is given power. The darkness which is neglected in the Self causes a split and there is tremendous energy in that ignored part of the Self - a potential for pain and inner chaos without even realizing it. Just like Peter Pan's detached shadow ran amok in the Darlings' home, don't let the shadow side of yourself have a life of its own - OWN IT - as a part of the multifaceted beautiful you. (For all those Disney nerds out there: Remember you can't reattach a shadow with soap ;)
“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.” CG Jung, Modern Man in Search of Soul
Reflect with every fiber of your being the divine beauty of your soul and be a mirror for those qualities in others.
"Time and reflection change the sight little by little until we come to understand." Paul Cezanne
Self exploration never stops but I'm grateful for all the wonderful mirrors in my life: the people who show me love regardless of my inability to see a positive reflection, you've given me time to take a better look inside. Thank you ❤️🙏
Our perception of it is what creates the juxtaposition of the seconds ticking by on a finely tuned Swiss watch and the languorous meandering of moments as we watch the sun rise. As we get older it often feels like time moves quicker and quicker with each passing year, yet our lovely planet keeps orbiting around the sun at the same velocity (107,000 km/h). The physical basis between "clock time" and "mind time" has been explored in a recent journal article published this month in the Cambridge University Press - they say that 'mind time' is a sequence of images that the brain takes time to process. The researchers report that the rate we perceive these images decreases as we age which causes our brain to see time moving quicker! They cite a lot ot of reasons for this: degradation of neuronal pathways, slower saccadic eye movement...I'll link the article if you want to explore more.
What do we do with this information? Accept that the older we get time will continue to slip by faster and faster? NO!! Science gives us the 'how' our incredible bodies function not the 'why'. I say we take more indulgent 'mind time' moments - waking for a sun rise run, sleeping under the stars, getting lost in a book, creating music, connecting hands/lips/hearts with the ones we love - in doing so perhaps we strengthen our neural connections and time will move exactly as we desire.
Just like our beautiful moon, we are always whole. Perceptions of fullness change depending on the light and shadow cast upon the surface. Our reflected light may only reveal a crescent 🌘 or the stunning bright fullness of the monthly full moon tonight 🌕 ... but our wholeness doesn't depend on what others can see or even how we feel.
Let us never forget that though sometimes in shadow - we are always completely whole and beautiful.
Never forget to embrace the shadows while simultaneous remembering our wholeness.
Yoga connects me to a language spoken only by my body and soul.
Last night I read about a beautiful Inuit word "qarrtsiluni" which means "sitting together in the dark, waiting for something to happen." It is just amazing to me to think how differently a mind encounters the world when it has a word like this nested naturally in the vocabulary. This is why art, connection with nature, and an intimate relationship with Self is so important. These aspects of life transcend the constraints of verbal language allowing me to experience Being even though I don't have the words to describe it.
Preserving something precious and what is more precious than you?
What do you put in your body? Is it nutrition that fuels your passions and gives you energy for adventure? Is it food that is sourced sustainably to maintain the bounty of our beautiful planet?
What do you put in your mind? Is it words and ideas that inspire and spark creativity ... that encourage thought, dialogue with diversity, and challenge expectations?
What do you put in your heart? Is it the love that you deserve, the love that in all your luminosity recognize, see, and give to yourself first so that you can share it with the people, plants and animals around you?
My Honda is simple, he needs 89 octane, regular oil changes...well you get the idea, general mechanical TLC which I delight in giving to keep him running smoothly. There is such a joy to taking care of the things we love: never forget that the most important thing to take of is you!
Can something that affects us in the present be considered part of our past? All events, people, places, animals, and caresses with the natural world become integrated into the fiber of our Being: they season the deliciousness of who we are, and they will forever be written in our history book as a recipe for Me. There are some things though, that create wounds that just don't heal, they seem to refuse to even leave a scar - their energy permeates through time seemingly breaking all the natural laws - something from the past which refuses to become history. Perhaps we hold on, perhaps we hide it inside due to shame or fear and we allow the wound to fester.
St. Augustine wrote in his confessions:
"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."
When we resent our past, it cannot become part of our history and we cannot continue to grow. We carry it and it allows our bodies, minds, and spirits to be poisoned. We all have shadows but we mustn't allow ourselves to become them. So we must let go, which doesn't mean we forget - it means that we stop carrying that energy forward to the present, we stop poisoning our beautiful selves expecting others to pay, we let the wounds heal and become scars, we let the past become history.
Be authentically open with who you are. It's scary. The external world tells us that it is not safe to show all of ourselves. We hold back because we fear that if others see who we really are, they'll run the other way. We've been told we are too much or not enough and that story grows until we believe that maybe there is something wrong / weird/ broken about us. But these beliefs don't really belong to us - we inherit them from individuals with only a partial view of our luminosity because we've been told to hide our light.
You must choose yourself first! Consciously love YOU and recognize your innate wholeness. Then engage with the world open and bright, shining with all of yourSelf. Share your heart, your vulnerability, your wounds, and your fears ... in doing so you will invite others to do the same 🔥
Delta ∆ (or my yogic version Trikonasana / Triangle Pose): The uppercase fourth letter in the Greek alphabet is often used in mathematics to denote change. Heraclitus, a pre-socratic Greek philosopher made the assertion that "life is in flux" when he said: "Panta Rhei" literally meaning "all things change." Heraclitus observed that the natural world is constantly in flux and that people, being part of this world, are constantly changing too. The one difference he notes is that the human being laments strife, change, and conflict. As a result we equate this flux as suffering. .
If life, like a river, is in a constant state of flux there is no reason to fear or avoid change. Notice it. Welcome it! Nurture the positive aspects. Gently nudge what you perceive as negative in a different direction. Do not suffer as you grow. Embrace your Delta.