Allow what you are going through to be exactly what you need
Finding grace in discomfort starts with finding your breath.
Allow what you are going through to be exactly what you need.
This year has been all about learning to find grace in times of immense discomfort. When it comes to personal growth, I often I get in my own way. I squirm, I try to "make it better," I try to "be stronger," I fight AGAINST a situation. The truth is: The school of life doesn't have a course catalog with lessons we can choose at will. I thought I was taking "AP apologies" and "humbling conversations 101"? Nope, the universe had other plans.
The situations this year have been heart wrenching, painful, humiliating, and down right exhausting. But in the end, I've learned, these brutal situations aren't going to change (at least not right away.) What CAN change is me, my attitude toward it, my ability to breathe with it, and to just be. I may not get to choose what I am going through but I can choose how I go through it. I can choose to show up, pay attention to the discomfort, realize that - like all things - this is temporary.
When I am present to these moments, no matter what I go through, I can choose to allow them to be exactly what I need.