Milieu intérieur ~ Finding homeostasis
You may be familiar with the concept of Homeostasis [Derived from the Greek words Homeo (unchanging) + Stasis (standing)]. Literally it means to remain stable or the same. However, when talking about complex organisms (like people) there is a little bit more to it than just a perpetual steady state.
Let’s back up just a bit, to the gentleman who coined the term: Monsieur Claude Bernard a French physiologist and often considered one of the greatest men of science. Indeed! He was the first to suggest the use of blind experiments to ensure objectivity with scientific observation AND he gave us the concept of homeostasis or as he defined it:
Claude used this term in many works but most notably to refer to the extracellular fluid environment and its capacity to ensure protective stability in the tissues and organs of multicellular organisms. There are MANY processes that help regulate the human body’s internal environment; the liver, the kidneys, our brain (hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous system, and the endocrine system) help maintain homeostasis. For example: the liver is responsible for metabolizing toxic (EtOH ? ;) substances to rid our bodies of these harmful material.
According to Claude:
“All of the vital mechanisms, however varied they may be, have always one goal, to maintain the uniformity of the conditions of life in the internal environment…. The stability of the internal environment is the condition for the free and independent life.“
All organisms have mechanisms to regulate internal conditions regardless of outside changing conditions. Therefore, for optimal health the body seeks to maintain a condition of equilibrium within our internal environment while dealing with external changes. However, no matter how well you feel you live….Sometimes, the external gets too overwhelming. Our incredible bodies that work so hard to keep us in balance just can’t keep up. Perhaps you are perpetually tired, sick, cranky…this is your body talking to you, begging you:
just breathe.
You only have one body and it does SO much intrinsically to protect you and keep you well, allow yourself the things you needs to keep functioning at optimal levels. For me, this is connecting with my body: taking a good yoga class, going for a long ride on my motorcycle, taking my dog for a walk, swimming in the ocean, taking a nap in a warm sunbeam, or taking a long soak in the bath.
When you are out of balance, what do you need to restore your milieu intérieur? Take a step back and ask your body what it needs. When it answers: Listen.
(not sure? You are welcome to come take a spin on the back of my motorcycle to see if that does it for you!)