Posts tagged yoga
Sankalpa - Listening to Self

A sankalpa can take two forms. Firstly, it is an acceptance of Self or a reflection of your true nature. This type of resolve or sankalpa is more encompassing than a traditional New Year’s resolution and doesn’t require change - it requires acknowledgement. It is simply a statement of who you are:

“I am adventurous, I am compassionate, I am beautiful, I am whole.”

This isn’t something we think about, that our intellectual mind can ponder, it is a deep understanding from within and the willingness to know and love our true Selves. When we arrive at a few “I am…” statements, they inform our mind of a direction to take in life or are already taking as we journey forward.

The second, is a specific intention or goal - perhaps this is more the kind we are used to making in a traditional New Year’s resolution. We often forget that when we discover our purpose, not everything happens at once, our life’s goals require milestones.

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Grounding - Finding center when gravity shifts.

As a physical person: I live, process, & experience my world primarily through Body. When my Body doesn’t feel well, I have to be extra patient & loving with myself. I must remind myself that this visceral perception of weakness is transient: a message perhaps to slow the body down. Then I remember that Asana (posture / movement) is just one small part of yoga → I can ground & center by connecting to breath, reading, writing, and drawing.

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