Flow 1 - Modified Warriors
Welcome to this first flow yogis - Thank you for being patient as I learn the ins and outs of video recording, editing, and uploading. You’ll notice some sound inconsistencies but it is all a delightful learning experience.
Warrior postures build strength in the legs and arms, balance, and core control. Join me as we explore the knee down modifications for warrior 1 and 2. This modification allows us to build proper form and alignment. Not mentioned in the video: if your knee is sensitive to this weight bearing position consider putting a pillow under your knee or folding your mat in half for some extra cushion. The full flow is 40 minutes. If you have any questions, comments or concerns PLEASE reach out to me - I am always happy to help.
With any physical exercise, listen to your body - be mindful of what feels good and what isn’t right for you. Please ensure that your medical professional has cleared you for this kind of physical activity.
Enjoy the flow Yogis ~ celebrate yourself and your body for showing up to focus on your wellbeing. Remember: any part of the posture IS the posture. My personal mantra and the spark I integrate into my yoga practice and daily - “In the act of becoming, I already am.”